Our Services

  • A prenatal breastfeeding consult can be done at any time during your pregnancy. In-home or virtually.

    This 60 private consult include:

    Intake of complete health history

    Answering any specific questions or concerns that may impact your upcoming breastfeeding journey.

    Provided with an informational packet

    Breast assessment

    Breast pump discussion/flange fitting

    Breastfeeding basics

  • Congratulations! Your beautiful baby is finally here!

    This appointment typically is 1.5 hours in length and takes place in my office or your home if you live in Parkland.

    This consultation includes:

    A full medical, pregnancy and birth history will be taken.

    Evaluating both you and baby. Accurate pre/post feed weights to determine accurate milk intake.

    Help with a painful latch, baby coming off the breast frequently, damaged and/or bleeding nipples, clicking sounds at breast or bottle, choking/gagging at breast, refusing one side/breast, slow weight gain, tongue/lip ties, gassy/fussy baby, reflux, possible food sensitivities, babywearing, tandem nursing/twins, building milk stash for returning to work, pumping, confidence building & ongoing support.

    Personalized informational resource packet.

    Observation of a full feeding.

    An assessment of milk production.

    Comprehensive oral structural assessment & suck evaluation.

    Help with comfortable positioning and latch technique.

    Observation of a pumping session, if needed.

    If needed, I will go over your pump, the settings and flange size.

    Assistance with bottle/nipple types.

    Demonstration of paced bottle-feeding.

    Short and long term goals discussed and care plan created for you and baby.

  • While we always strive to resolve all of your breastfeeding issues during the initial lactation consultation, sometimes ongoing assessment and support are a necessary part of a successful outcome.

    This session typically is 1 to 1.5 hours in length and can take place virtually, in-office or in-home (parkland residents) depending on your specific concerns.

    In this appointment we will:

    Re-assess and manage any lingering issues that have not resolved since the first consult.

    Take pre/post feed weights.

    Observe a full feed/pumping session to assess improvement.

    Adjust latch/positioning if needed.

    Update the Care Plan.

    **This appointment is for established clients. If a new issue has popped up, we may need to schedule another full consultation. A follow up is specifically related to an issue that has previously been assessed.

Questions before getting started? Get in touch.